The VCan 32114 Prosperity Initiative

Less Poverty, More Prosperity

Forough B. Hosseini at Florida Chamber of Commerce - Hope Place

The Florida Prosperity Initiative was born from the idea that the zip code a person is born into should not dictate the future of their lives.

As part of the Florida Chamber Foundation's Florida 2030 Blueprint, the goal of The Prosperity Initiative is to reduce Florida's childhood poverty rate to less than 10% and create a pathway to prosperity for everyone who wants to achieve it! The framework created brings together countywide prosperity efforts and zip code champions in every community in Florida. 

Here in Volusia County, zip code level research data identified 32114 as a zip code most in need of help. Forough B. Hosseini, VCan's Founder and Chair, is committed to spearheading efforts for our most vulnerable populations, acting as a zip code champion for 32114 and advocating for change by uniting local businesses and agencies behind this common cause. 

When we attack the root causes of childhood and generational poverty, we can truly break the cycle and begin attaining enduring equity that allows all community members the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. 


Key Data:

Florida Scorecard - Volusia County Stats

Download File (Volusia County Under 18 Poverty Map.pdf)